Stephen’s Scrambled Eggs with Sautéed Mushrooms (and Hats!)
The square’s entertainment areas were nearly deserted. No live music, no fire-eaters, bear-baiters, theater, nor dancing today. It was simply too cold.

Leek and Oyster Mushroom Pasta
Piggy lowered his trotter and continued along the highway.

Portobello Mushroom Crostini with Cream Cheese, Scallions, and Gochugaru
Nonna Rossa placed her bulging bag of mushrooms, freshly foraged in the forrest, on the thick wooden table that filled her kitchen.

“New World” Thanksgiving Stuffing with Button Mushrooms, Red Onion, and Crispy Chorizo
Enclosed below this missive, you may find a recipe that I have developed for so-called “stuffing,” or what is more prosaically termed “dressing,” like some silly vestment.

Mushroom-Gorgonzola Sandwich with Pear Compote
If I were a sandwich, I would want to be rich. With mounds of mushrooms and a complex cheese by my side, I’d grab a sweet honey and drive along the curves of a beautiful pear. My edges would be crisp, and my sides sturdy. I’d even have a special rack to keep me off the ground, far away from the mush and mash of those proletarian plates.

Mushroom Medley Master Recipe
The Mushroom Medley Master Recipe is a standard flavor base that powers plenty of dishes in our kitchen.

Twice-Cooked Pork Belly Stir-fry with Shiitakes and Shishito Peppers
This twice-cooked pork belly stir-fry presents my own imaginings of a dish rooted in place, yet allowed to wander.

Duck Fat-fried Maitake Mushroom with Thyme, Honey, and Balsamic Vinegar
As I walk through the forest where I trample unseen, I spot a few mallards and kill them clean. But that’s not enough for more than one, so I grab some shrooms and have some fun. Add a little thyme, honey, too, and then balsamic is all you need to make them coo. So, snap on the stove, and open the fridge because no one will leave even a single smidge.

Healthy Shiitake Spinach Pasta
Here, we need not worry that a little is too much. As the fat is pure and the trappings simple, verdant greens, curly cavatappi, and a few fungi fill stomachs and empty bowls. While elaborate preparations (eventually) take your breath away, a healthy supper is always welcome in our hearts.